United Spinal Association resource center, tips, and resources.
Wheelchair Travel
Wheelchair travel blog, sharing experiences and overcoming barriers to accessibility.
Accessible Journeys
Accessible Journeys is a vacation planner and tour operator exclusively for wheelchair travelers.
Wheel Adventure Travel
Practical, detailed travel guides on budget travel for people with disabilities. Travel tips and advice.Access Anything
Mission of Access Anything is to improve the quality of life of people living with a disability by encouraging them to enjoy life thru the sense of freedom provided by travel, and adventure. Provide travel blogs, reviews, and guidebooks.
Emerging Horizons
Accessible travel news source.
World On Wheelz
Accessible travel resource for wheelchair users.
Adaptive Adventures
Based in Lakewood, Colorado. Adaptive Adventures provides adaptive programs throughout the country, cycling, climbing, kayaking, skiing, waterskiing, sailing, scuba, and rafting.
Wheelchair Traveling
Empower people with limited mobility to access and experience the world of adventure and leisure travel.
Traveling with Disabilities
Before you travel, visit this website and enter your destination to find information for mobility impaired travelers in the Special Laws section. Unlike the United States, many countries do not legally require accommodations for persons with disabilities.
Educational nonprofit organization whose mission is to raise awareness of the needs of all travelers with disabilities, and expand travel opportunities in the United States and abroad.
The Boulevard
Offers a list of companies that offer accessible van rentals.
Accessible Travel Guide and Video Series
Spinal Cord Injury BC’s resource center with an Accessible Travel Tips e-Book and detailed video tutorials.