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Man smiling

We care for people who need catheters.

For help, speak to an expert 888-900-9445

Man smiling

The Urology Professionals Difference

Catheter product

Switching suppliers is easy

Our staff goes the extra mile to ensure you get exactly what you need when you need it.

One call and we do it all

Man in wheelchair

About Urology Professionals

At Urology Professionals you are not a number, you are family.

Our team

How we are different

Checkmark Free shipping
Checkmark One easy step
Checkmark All insurance paperwork handled
Checkmark One-on-one personal consultations
Checkmark Free samples and returns
Checkmark Industry's largest selection
Checkmark Patient outcome focused
Checkmark Independently owned and operated
Other medical supply companies
Checkmark Free shipping
Close Multi-step process
Close No insurance paperwork help
Close Automated response and help
Close Limited samples choices
Close Limited brand options
Close Profit-driven decisions
Close Manufacturer or investment bank operated
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Couple smiling

Insurance partners

We are partners with all major insurance
companies and Medicare

We’ll do the paperwork, so you don’t have to.
Call today 888-900-9445

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We build trust with our customers